And then there were four...
Saturday, July 30, 2016
So its been a while again since I've posted on here... I'm not going to make excuses but life has just been crazy. As you can probably tell by the title we are now a family of four...

My due date for my second baby was the 5th May and I had him on the 8th at 11.02 am. My labour and delivery was a completely different experience this time round. I was In and out the same day luckily and had a water birth with only gas and air! I couldn't fault the birthing unit or the midwifes they were amazing.
We didn't have a name straight away, for about a week he was just baby boy. We both finally agreed eventually and named him Alfie Lewis. He is 12 weeks now and its crazy how fast he is growing up.
Ivy loves him and has taken to having him here really well. He takes notice of her now and as soon as he sees her his little face lights up and he just stares and smiles at her - its so cute.
Ivy is now 2 years old! Her birthday was the 26th July and she had an amazing day. She was a very lucky little girl and got completely spoilt. She has developed so much over the last year and Is a right little character now. Her speech is really advanced for her age and everyday she is learning new words. We have proper little conversations now which I love as she can actually tell me what she wants/needs so much easier than having to guess all the time.
The next big step for us as a family Is for Lewis and I to get married. We are hoping it will be around this time next year but for that to happen we need to set a date! Its not going to be anything big and fancy we want a small wedding surrounded by family and friends.
I'm now going to wrap this up as I can ramble on and on for ages :)
Love Em x
My due date for my second baby was the 5th May and I had him on the 8th at 11.02 am. My labour and delivery was a completely different experience this time round. I was In and out the same day luckily and had a water birth with only gas and air! I couldn't fault the birthing unit or the midwifes they were amazing.
We didn't have a name straight away, for about a week he was just baby boy. We both finally agreed eventually and named him Alfie Lewis. He is 12 weeks now and its crazy how fast he is growing up.
Ivy loves him and has taken to having him here really well. He takes notice of her now and as soon as he sees her his little face lights up and he just stares and smiles at her - its so cute.
Ivy is now 2 years old! Her birthday was the 26th July and she had an amazing day. She was a very lucky little girl and got completely spoilt. She has developed so much over the last year and Is a right little character now. Her speech is really advanced for her age and everyday she is learning new words. We have proper little conversations now which I love as she can actually tell me what she wants/needs so much easier than having to guess all the time.
The next big step for us as a family Is for Lewis and I to get married. We are hoping it will be around this time next year but for that to happen we need to set a date! Its not going to be anything big and fancy we want a small wedding surrounded by family and friends.
I'm now going to wrap this up as I can ramble on and on for ages :)
Love Em x