Toddler Tantrums And A Teething Baby...

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Ivy is 2 years old now and the toddler tantrums or terrible 2s as some say has well and truly hit us! It slowly started happening before her second birthday and we didnt really think much of it. Lets just say if we want to go to a restaurant for Sunday lunch we end up at Mcdonalds having a big mac and fries.

I don't know what it is but as soon as you take her out in public its like she thinks "time to play mummy and daddy up... what can I do to really p**s them off". I know most children go through this stage my sister has a 18, 6 and 3 year old so I have been around it pretty much all my life. But when its your own child bedtime and a large glass of wine sometimes can't come soon enough.

Don't get me wrong she's not like it 24/7 but when its happens and especially when your out in public it feels like it goes on forever! I keep thinking I'm going to just one day roll around on the floor screaming and shouting like she does when we are out but that wouldn't bother her in the slightest! There is so much I want to do with her over christmas so lets hope this stage fazes out quickly!

Alfie is 5 months old now and for the first 6 weeks he suffered from really bad colic. Which was so horrible as there wasn't anything we could do apart from cuddle and comfort him. We tried gripe water, infacol and we changed his milk but nothing worked, we just had to ride it out. It only lasted around 6 weeks and although at the time it seemed like it would never end, I know some babies can have it for months!

Since then he has been such a happy little boy and the only time he get grumpy is when he is hungry, tired or needs his bum changed. I think having the colic has definitely made him more cuddly though - not that i'm complaining! Ivy is a total daddys girl and always has been, so the only time she ever really wants mummy cuddles is when he's at work.

Ive noticed over the last couple of weeks he dribbles constantly and wants to chew on everything! Ive felt his gums and can definitely feel his first tooth coming through. His mood though hasn't changed so far and hopefully it won't. Ivy never really suffered with teething we had a few sleepless nights but it was nothing compared to what some parents go through.

I'm not sure what we will do with Ivy throwing a tantrum and Alfie screaming because he's teething? McDonalds drive thru or maybe just staying in and ordering a chinese will be our only option... who knows... Will keep you updated!

Love Em x


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  1. Aw they are so cute though, despite the tantrums and teething! Lovely photos x


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