Baby Number 2
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
So I said I would be writing a post explaining where I have been over the last few months so here goes.
My last post was in September and since then we found out that we are expecting baby number 2. My due date is 5th May and I am currently 36 weeks pregnant! When I was pregnant with Ivy I was really poorly with morning sickness all through my pregnancy. I was really hoping that this time around it would be different but I have been exactly the same. I haven't been sick as much as I was with Ivy but I have been feeling it pretty much everyday which can be worse because it doesn't come to anything so its just sticking around all day long. As I am 36 weeks tiredness has come back full force but with a toddler under 2 who is full of energy all day I've been giving Ivy all my attention so the blog has had to take a step back.
We had our second scan 23rd December where we could find out the gender and just like last time we couldn't wait to find out! We were very lucky and found out we are having a little boy! So Ivy is going to have a little brother :). We couldn't be more happier and the last 36 weeks has gone so quickly and we can't wait to meet him!
Ivy has grown up so much! Her speech is very good and clear and you can have little conversations with her. I can't wait to bring her little brother home and see her reaction!
I don't know how often my posts are going to be but I'm going to try and get one up a week at least all depends on when little man decides to make an appearance.
Thanks guys :)
Emma x